
Andrea's Buzzing About: Being "ON HOLIDAY"!

Andrea's Buzzing About: the Disability Blog Carnival # 20 she's titled "ON HOLIDAY!"

Andrea has put this carnival together in a very clever narrative that almost makes you feel like you're there. She's set up a "buffet" and invites us all to
help ourselves, then stake out "spots in the shade or a place to soak up some of the abundant warm sunshine. "Do try some of the brownies — I got the recipe from Gluten-Free Girl and they are fabulous..." she says.

If you're ready to take a little holiday of your own, this edition of the Disability Blog Carnival is the perfect place to start. But don't forget the bug spray!

You will find links to other Disability Blog Carnivals: past, present and future here.

(Visual description of black & white photo: a man and a small boy are standing side by side on the shore overlooking a body of water and a bridge in the distance. The man's right let has been amputated. He's leaning on his right crutch; the boy has a hold of the crutch in his left hand in a kind of affectionate gesture.)

Cross-posted at Planet of the Blind

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for including the prominent visual description of the photo. It reminds me that I should be doing a better job at that in my online writing.
